Textures of Yoga: April 5th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: April 5th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

A journey inwards towards becoming more wholesome and peaceful.

Saucha: experiencing the power of purity and simplicity to make our lives easier and more joyous.

The practice of Saucha directs our focus to the cleanliness of our body, mind and surroundings. It allows us to be emotionally light and not take ourselves too seriously.

Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of awareness, compassion and clarity.

TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday April 5th 9:00am

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Textures of Yoga: March 1st @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: March 1st @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

A journey inwards towards becoming more wholesome and peaceful.

Niyama: revealing what our deeper nature is and encouraging us to live in peace with ourselves. Expressed in all aspects of our thoughts, words and actions.

Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of clarity, joy, resilience, understanding and devotion.

TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday March 1st 9:00am

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POP UP Friday Yoga Class

POP UP Friday Yoga Class

Don’t miss this special POP UP Friday Yoga class.

Let’s come together and practice in community on Friday February 21st at 6pm in An Seomra Yoga, Small Crane, Galway.

I believe when we show up for ourself we inevitably show up for each other. Practicing in community generates energy. This energy has powerful potential to shift perspective. Release mental blockages. Nourish your relationship to your body, breath and mind.

All Welcome and I’d love to see you there!

Where: An Seomra Yoga Studio, Small Crane, Galway

When: Friday February 21st at 6:00pm

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Textures of Yoga: January 4th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: January 4th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

A journey inwards towards becoming more wholesome and peaceful.

Brahmacharya: inspires us to put love first and lead from the heart, not the head.

The practice of Brahmacharya directs our energy away from external desires and instead, towards finding peace and happiness within ourselves.

Be aware of how you feel physically and energetically when you’re in certain situations: Do some people drag your energy down? Do others light you up? Is there something you love doing that gives you a boost? 

Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of awareness, compassion and integrity.

TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday January 4th 9:00am

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Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

SOLD OUT - message HERE to be added to waitlist

Celebrating the return of light and mark the turning of the season.

Honouring the natural rhythm of nature: weaving asana and breath with practices that encourage reflection and renewal. The practice concludes with a Candle Ritual allowing you to sink into a moments of reflection and renewal. 

Weaving ritual and ancient wisdom with movement, breath, rest and mediation.

Where: An Seomra Yoga Studio, Small Crane, Galway

When: Friday December 20th at 6:00pm

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Textures of Yoga: December 7th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: December 7th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

A journey inwards towards becoming more wholesome and peaceful.

Asteya: Generosity to yourself, others and of time.

The practice of Asteya can be experienced in our conversations and with our relationship to time.

Are you listening attentively and consciously? Are you willing to bring your gaze back to what you already have? Together let’s develop a practice of feeling full, as we are in this moment.

Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of awareness, compassion and integrity.

TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday November 2nd at 9:00am

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Textures of Yoga: November 2nd @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: November 2nd @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

A journey inwards towards becoming more wholesome and peaceful.

Asteya: Generosity to yourself, others and of time.

The practice of Asteya can be experienced in our conversations and with our relationship to time.

Are you listening attentively and consciously?. Bringing your gaze back to what you already have and developing a practice of feeling full, as you are and with what you have.

Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of awareness, compassion and integrity.

Come and join us, be a warrior towards truth telling!

TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday December 7th at 9:00am

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Textures of Yoga: September 7th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: September 7th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Journeying inwards towards becoming more wholesome and peaceful.

Yama: revealing what our deeper nature is and encouraging us to live in peace with ourselves and others.

Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of awareness and understanding for access to your graceful presence.

September’s TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday September 7th at 9:00am

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Embody Yoga Retreat
to 11 Aug

Embody Yoga Retreat

For 5 nights in August you’re invited to embody your yoga and deepen your practice with Lisa Berry and Fiona Brown. You’ll be welcomed into the sanctuary of Quinta Carvalhas ‘The Green Farm’, just one hour from Lisbon.

Each class and session during this retreat is designed as a transformative and embodied journey through the body, breath and mind.

We’re so excited to host you at Portugal's most beautiful Yoga retreat. Set on an idyllic organic farm that features an olive orchard, a huge fire pit and two beautiful, bespoke yoga shalas.

This luxury farm stay and retreat centre has wonderful gardens, swimming pool, a meditation garden, orchards, a pond, a health spa, art studio and stables.

You can enjoy walks in nature, bike rides and you’ll absolutely have plenty of time to relax, enjoy space and stillness.

Evenings are for deep connections: sharing yummy food, gathering around the fire, enjoying film nights and the simple act of gathering together.

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Textures of Yoga: July 6th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: July 6th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

How are you choosing your energy?

Connect your heart felt presence with your mental clarity.

Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of awareness and understanding for access to your graceful presence, even in the midst of difficult situations and challenging environments.

July’s TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday July 6th at 9:00am

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Textures of Yoga: June 1st @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM (Copy)

Textures of Yoga: June 1st @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM (Copy)

Connect your purpose with your thinking through your intuition and imagination.

Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of connection and information for clear self reflection and to access your inner light and knowledge.

June’s TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday June 1st at 9:00am

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NEW Early Morning Yoga Series

NEW Early Morning Yoga Series

Eight week early morning yoga series starts May 7th at 7am - 60 mins

Designed to gently awaken your body and set a positive tone for your day. Whether you're fitting in a session before work or you're naturally an early bird, these vinyasa-based classes are to ground and center you for the day ahead. They’ll help release any stiffness or tension from the previous night's sleep, preparing you physically, mentally, and spiritually as you ease into your day.

This is an All levels class

Modifications are available for every level from newer students (not suitable for complete beginners) to more advanced practitioners.

You’ll find these classes to be a mindful and invigorating challenge.

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Textures of Yoga: May 4th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: May 4th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Do you want to feel heard and understood?

Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of connection and information for clear communication and creative self expression..

May’s TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday May 4th at 9:00am

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Textures of Yoga: February 3rd @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: February 3rd @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Do you want to feel joyful and grateful?

Gather your attention inward and feel your energy hug back in. Assess what is happening here and now, what's real and what's not real. Lean into practices that bring about a rich tapestry of connection and information for self acceptance, compassion and wellbeing.

January’s TEXTURES OF YOGA is a reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday March 2nd at 9:00am

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Textures of Yoga: January 6th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: January 6th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Do you want to feel more intuitive and adapt more easily to change?

January’s TEXTURES OF YOGA gives you the tools to emotionally soften and bring your attention inward. Accessing a rich tapestry of connection and information from within you. Learn to listen to your intuition as a form of relaxation.

A reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday January 6th at 9:00am

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Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Celebrating the return of light and mark the turning of the season.

Honouring the natural rhythm of nature: moving through a heating practice of sun salutations. Igniting your inner fire, before easing into a soothing sequence. The practice concludes with a Candle Ritual allowing you to sink into a moment of reflection and renewal. 

Weaving ritual and ancient wisdom with movement, breath, rest and mediation.

Where: An Seomra Yoga Studio, Small Crane, Galway

When: Friday December 22nd at 6:00pm

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Textures of Yoga:  December 2nd @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: December 2nd @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Do you want to feel more emotionally grounded and balanced?

December’s TEXTURES OF YOGA gives you the tools to follow natures lead. To gracefully embrace winter, taking time to reflect and release. Nature guides us to slow down, even though our consumer society wishes to lead us into busyness and chaos. Take this opportunity to ease inwards, savouring slower moments and movements.

A reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday December 2nd at 9:00am

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Yoga For The Heart fundraiser for the children of Gaza

Yoga For The Heart fundraiser for the children of Gaza

When we can't make sense of what is going on around us and we feel helpless, remember there is always something we can do, no matter how small.

When we can't make sense of what is going on around us and we feel helpless, remember there is always something we can do, no matter how small. Come together in community for a nourishing restorative yoga practice, finding relief from feelings of despair while raising funds for Médicins sans Frontiéres.

Give yourself this one hour to slow down, reset and bring balance to your nervous system during a special restorative yoga practice. Sharing and holding space for each other.

This very special restorative yoga class will be followed by nourishing salad bowls from Hāpi Bakery

Suggested Donation: €30-€50

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to 22 Oct

Yoga Autumn Gastein, Austrian Alps

This October I’m participating in Yoga Autumn Gastein in the magnificent mountain landscape of the Austrian Alps. This is such an honour for me. I’ll be teaching in Bad Gastein, nestled in a beautiful valley, surrounded by high peaks and it even has it’s own thermal water that springs from the centre of Bad Gastein!

What’s so special about this Autumn Yoga Festival is that you can create your own unique retreat. Design time out for yourself with Yoga, Treatments, Nature, Rest and Outdoor Activities like hiking, cycling and skiing. Single class yoga tickets as well as blocks of 5 and 10 can be booked for individual classes and workshops. This really is a one of a kind Yoga Festival.

Find out more and book here: www.gastein.com/en/events/autumn/yoga-autumn

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Textures of Yoga: Foundations Series: June 3rd @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: Foundations Series: June 3rd @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

A reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday June 3rd at 9:00am

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Textures of Yoga: Foundations Series: Vyana Vayu - May 6th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Textures of Yoga: Foundations Series: Vyana Vayu - May 6th @ 9am Coffeewerk and Press + LIVESTREAM

Exploring Vyana Vayu, the energy of expansion and feeling aligned from the inside out. Breath practices to distribute oxygen to every cell in the body.

Vyana awakens you emotionally as well as physically, it’s energy is a spacious expansion. Expanding out in all directions with openers and grace.

Vyana: distribution of nutrients to the whole body, circulation, and absorbing an experience into your physical body as an emotion, feeling or memory.

A reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday May 6th at 9:00am

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Exploring Udana Vayu, the upward flow of energy. Practices to lift your energy by first drawing energy in, rooting it down and then stoking your inner fire.

Looking to what brings you lightness and joy. Udana reminds you to be present in the moment, it gets you out of your small self and see the bigger picture.

Udana: outward expression (speech), outward movement of air (exhalation, cough), response to the way experiences are absorbed.

A reflective seated practice with a nourishing blend of breathwork, mudras, chakra and meditation. Start your Saturday quietly. Inspire your day, your weekend and possibly your week ahead.

Where: Coffeewerk and Press Yoga + Breakfast or join us from the comfort of your home via LIVESTREAM

When: Saturday April 1st at 9:00am

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